We have at least 1 more month with continued social distancing, possibly even longer. Today’s article addressing 3 simple things we can do to take care of ourselves during this time.
But before I do that I’d like to mention that I have heard from more than 1 introvert that they are really enjoying this time of contraction, this time of turning inward. However, the extroverts are crawling out of their skin and trying to find ways to engage with others in new and interesting ways.
It would seem our personalities or natural inclinations for interacting with the world and others influence how social distancing impacts us.
On to 3 simple (not always easy) steps you can implement…
- Stay Connected–
Technology does make it easier than ever to continue to talk with loved one and friends. It isn’t exactly the same and it isn’t a perfect solution but it is the best temporary solution we have available to us right now. Imagine going through a pandemic in the 1990s?
On a grim note, suicide rates are increasing as isolation and other stressors such as unemployment and subsequent financial strain is a big predictor of suicide. Check out this link to read more.
As I mentioned above, it is very easy for natural introverts to go inward during this time. Someone experiencing depression must be aware of how social distancing impacts their tendency to withdraw. If you know someone who is vulnerable to suicide read this.
- Self-Care-
No one is immune to the effects of living through a worldwide pandemic; not Mental Health Counselors or HealthCare providers. It impacts us all. Engaging in daily self- care routines help us all to cope with the unique stress that we are all experiencing. Some people have been thrown into crisis-schooling while transitioning to working from home, some have lost their job and source of income completely. We all have been cut off from our routines of gym classes, Starbucks runs, and gatherings with family.
We have all had to adjust to a new normal. And while we may be enjoying a slower pace and not having to run our kids to dance classes or sports we need to replace what use to fill our proverbial bucket with other practices.
Creating a daily schedule to keep oneself accountable is crucial, otherwise the days tend to blur into each other. Which days are you going to exercise, meditate, meal plan, have a group chat, clean, engage in a hobby? It doesn’t have to be rigid or set in stone but having an idea of what you will do each day contributes to a sense of purpose.
- Nature
Getting outside on most days, if not every day, and connecting with nature and breathing fresh air also feeds our soul. It clears our head, it helps us to be grateful, it soothes our senses. When we are outside everything looks the same and familiar in a world that has changed so much.
The virus has taken so much from us that we can feel empowered to claim what is ours in nature. The trees, and flowers, and little critters all have no idea how the world has changed around them. Seeing nature unchanged brings a little piece of normalcy in our lives.
“Just being surrounded by bountiful nature, rejuvenates and inspires us.” E.O. Wilson.